Medical Cannabis Company
Tallahassee, FL
Rebrand certain promotions
Package Redesign
Directed & Lead Creative Department
Creative Director and team leader for retail-based Trulieve. Weekly, high-volume workload for the entire Trulieve portfolio encompassing all forms of media including social, digital, print, animation, video.
Rebranding "Mini Mondays"
3.) Making Mondays cool
Create an engaging experience that patients will look forward to seeing every week
A visual approach
Bold and simple in execution
Always fresh and fun
1.) Every day is Monday
Create a highly stylized, minimalistic environment.
Include irreverent & fun sayings that are focused on/around Monday
By using everyday items we establish the ease, the frequency, the idea of always having minis with you and on hand just like a phone, keys, wallet, etc., regardless if it’s Monday
This approach skews towards lifestyle
2.) Life is more interesting in a miniature
surreal world
A unique approach to allow Trulieve to "own" (mini) Mondays
Create an engaging experience that patients will look forward to seeing every week
Create a simple environment that is surreal and magical
We can incorporate themed months, events, holidays, etc.
The approach for the on-going mini Mondays campaign was staid and dry. There wasn't a concept or strategy to help it have a personality of its own. It needed life pumped into it.
Below are 3 mood board concepts, the third option is what was bought off on.
The approach that was bought off on.